7 Behaviors That Are Banned in Online Poker Room

In this article, we will shed light on seven prohibited practices that online poker sites strictly forbid: seat hopping, VIP hunting, seat scripting, ratholing, grimming, hit and running, and tanking.


Online poker has seen a surge in popularity over the years, attracting players from all walks of life seeking the thrill of competition and the chance to win big. While the majority of players engage in fair and sportsmanlike conduct, there exists a darker side to the virtual poker world – a realm where cunning strategies and unethical behaviors can undermine the integrity of the game. In this article, we will shed light on seven prohibited practices that online poker sites strictly forbid: seat hopping, VIP hunting, seat scripting, ratholing, grimming, hit and running, and tanking.

Seat Hopping

Seat hopping refers to the act of constantly changing seats at a poker table to gain an unfair advantage. This maneuver is typically employed by players who wish to exploit the weaknesses of specific opponents or manipulate the dynamics of a table to their benefit. Online poker sites frown upon seat hopping because it disrupts the natural flow of the game and can be used to target weaker players systematically.

The logic behind seat hopping is simple – by strategically selecting seats, a player can position themselves to the immediate left of a weaker opponent, gaining the advantage of acting after them in each betting round. This can be particularly advantageous in games like Texas Hold'em, where the order of betting is crucial in determining the overall strategy of a hand.

To combat seat hopping, many online poker platforms have implemented measures such as restricting the frequency with which players can switch seats during a session or limiting the number of times they can change tables within a certain time frame.

VIP Hunting

VIP hunting involves deliberately seeking out and targeting high-value or less experienced players, often with the intention of exploiting their vulnerabilities. This practice is considered unethical as it preys on the less experienced participants, creating an environment that discourages new players from enjoying the game.

Players engaging in VIP hunting may use various tactics, such as table selection based on the perceived skill level of opponents or actively seeking out tables with high-stakes players. Online poker sites discourage this behavior by implementing fair play policies and algorithms that randomize seating arrangements, making it more challenging for individuals to specifically target weaker opponents.

VIP hunting not only undermines the principle of fair competition but also harms the overall health of the online poker ecosystem by discouraging new players from entering the scene.

Seat Scripting

Seat scripting is a sophisticated form of seat hopping that involves using automated scripts or software to constantly change seats strategically. This allows players to exploit specific opponents systematically without manual intervention, making the process more efficient and difficult to detect.

Online poker platforms employ advanced algorithms and monitoring systems to identify and penalize players who use seat scripting. Penalties may range from warnings and temporary suspensions to permanent bans from the platform.

Seat scripting not only violates the fair play principles of online poker but also creates an uneven playing field, eroding the trust of players in the integrity of the game.


Ratholing, also known as "going south," is the act of surreptitiously removing a portion of one's chips from the table after a winning session. This practice is typically employed by players looking to protect their profits and minimize their potential losses in subsequent hands.

To execute ratholing, a player will win a significant pot and then discreetly remove a portion of their chips from the table, leaving only the initial buy-in. This ensures that even if the player loses the remaining chips in subsequent hands, they still walk away with a profit.Online poker sites combat ratholing by implementing rules that require players to keep their entire stack on the table until they decide to leave the game. Violating these rules can result in penalties, including the forfeiture of the improperly removed chips or even suspension from the platform.


Grimming is a deceptive tactic employed by unscrupulous players to gain an unfair advantage by colluding with others at the table. This practice involves two or more individuals sharing information about their hands or coordinating their actions to the detriment of the other players.

To outsiders, grimming can be challenging to detect, as colluding players may use subtle signals or communication channels outside of the poker platform to coordinate their moves. However, online poker sites use advanced algorithms and monitoring systems to identify suspicious patterns of behavior, allowing them to take appropriate action against grimmers.

The consequences for engaging in grimming are severe and can include immediate expulsion from the platform, forfeiture of winnings, and even legal action in extreme cases. Online poker platforms prioritize maintaining a fair and competitive environment, and grimming poses a significant threat to the integrity of the game.

Hit and Run

Hit and running is a frowned-upon practice where a player joins a poker table, wins a significant pot, and then immediately leaves the table with their winnings. This tactic is often employed by individuals looking to exploit weaker opponents, as the hit-and-run player can avoid facing tougher competition or the possibility of losing their winnings in subsequent hands.

To discourage hit and running, online poker sites implement mechanisms such as wait times before a player can leave a table after winning a certain amount or penalties for leaving a table too frequently. These measures aim to promote fair play and discourage players from taking advantage of their opponents.

Hit and running not only goes against the spirit of friendly competition but also disrupts the flow of the game, making it less enjoyable for all participants.


Tanking, also known as "time banking" or "slow rolling," involves intentionally taking an excessive amount of time to make decisions during a hand, especially when holding a strong hand. This tactic is used to create suspense and potentially tilt opponents, ultimately gaining a psychological advantage.

While strategic thinking and careful decision-making are integral to poker, excessive tanking is considered unethical because it disrupts the natural pace of the game and can lead to frustration among other players. Online poker sites often implement rules and penalties to discourage tanking, including automatic time banks that deplete with each decision and penalties for consistently slow play.

Online poker is a dynamic and exciting arena where players can test their skills, strategy, and luck against a diverse field of opponents. However, the integrity of the game relies on the adherence to fair play principles and sportsmanship. The forbidden behaviors discussed in this article – seat hopping, VIP hunting, seat scripting, ratholing, grimming, hit and running, and tanking – undermine the core principles of online poker and jeopardize the experience for all players.

To maintain a level playing field and ensure the continued growth and enjoyment of online poker, platforms must remain vigilant in detecting and penalizing those who engage in these unethical practices. By fostering an environment of fair competition, transparency, and trust, online poker sites can cultivate a thriving community where players of all skill levels can engage in the game with confidence and integrity.

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