Privacy Policy

Last updated Nov 2023

At Stakeholdem, we value and respect your privacy. This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, share, and protect personal information about you when you visit our website or use our services.

What This Policy Covers

This policy outlines what personal information we gather, how we use it, who we share it with, and your rights related to your personal data. It also describes how we comply with Isle of Man data protection laws when handling your information.

Your Defining Key Terms

Certain terms in this policy have specific meanings:

Personal information
means any data that can be used to identify you.

means how we collect, use, store, share or otherwise handle your personal information.

refers to Stakeholdem and its subsidiaries, holding companies, and associated companies.

What Your Rights And Choices

We want you to understand your rights and choices regarding how your personal information is used. We commit to giving you access to review, edit, delete, or limit our use of your data upon request.

Accepting Our Privacy Policy

By accessing or using our website, services, or applications (collectively "Services"), you agree to this Privacy Policy. We may modify this policy at any time, with changes taking effect immediately upon posting. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.

When you give us your contact information, we will ask separately if you consent to receive promotional messages from us and select third parties. You can opt out of these messages later if you change your mind.

Information We Obtain and Why

To initialize your account across our Platform and provide our Services, we will request a valid email. After activating your profile, you can optionally add more details like name and social media handles, and a personal biography, though none are mandatory to maintain an active account.

Additionally, when utilizing the Service, we obtain and store certain personal data including your activity on the Platform and information from the Devices you use. This allows us to improve the Services we furnish you. We also employ 'cookies' as outlined in our cookie policy below.

We retain your personal data only as long as required for the purposes defined in this Privacy Policy, including any historical retention periods mandated by regulations. We gather only the minimum personal information needed for our purposes, and regularly delete unnecessary data per our data management protocols. If you close your account, we'll retain your personal data for 24 months post-closure to meet legal duties and defend against claims, after which unrelated information will be removed.

We, our Group entities, affiliates, and third party providers will use your personal information to conduct our business and provide Services to you. Specifically, this includes: furnishing information and Services to you; identification and verification; statistical analysis and research; R&D; marketing and market research; data analysis; and regulatory compliance. We also reserve the right to use your personal data for other purposes reasonably related to providing the Services.

Basis for Processing Personal Data

We process your personal information for various reasons as prescribed by data protection laws:

We need your personal data to provide our Services. Occasionally we may request consent for specific processing like sending marketing communications. You can withdraw consent anytime in writing.

Contract Performance
We may need to process your data to meet our obligations under our Terms and Conditions when you create an account.

Legal Compliance
Processing may be necessary to comply with our legal responsibilities.

Legitimate Interests
We may process your data if it reasonably serves our legitimate interests in operating our business and doesn't override your rights. Examples include internal administrative purposes, enhancing our services, security, and regulatory adherence.

Sharing, Disclosing, and Receiving Personal Data

We may share your personal data in these specific scenarios:

· With any party if required by law or authority

· With regulatory bodies or authorities

· With third party service providers

· With third parties for marketing purposes if you've consented

· If our business or assets are acquired by a third party

· As needed to comply with legal obligations, defend our rights, or recover from outages

· With your consent

· As described in Section 5

In addition, we may disclose your data internally among our group companies, to our agents, and to third party providers servicing your account.

We may combine personal data collected here with data from our other services governed by this Privacy Policy. We'll handle the combined data as described herein.

Safeguarding Your Personal Data

We make considerable efforts to protect the confidentiality of Users' identities, preferences, and other collected personal data. We do not knowingly allow access to this information outside of our Group companies, except to the User or as described in this Policy.

We have invested substantially in our server, database, backup, firewall, and encryption technologies to safeguard the information we collect and process, as part of a state-of-the-art security architecture.

You also have a role in protecting your data. Your login credentials are confidential. You must keep them secret, not share them, and make your best efforts to prevent unauthorized access.

Limits to Data Confidentiality

Due to the legal, regulatory and security environment in which we operate, we may be required under certain circumstances to disclose personally identifiable information about Users without notice. This includes situations where: (a) we believe in good faith we must comply with legal process or obligations served upon us; or (b) we determine it reasonably necessary to identify, contact or take legal action against individuals or entities to enforce or protect our rights.

Please note we may also disclose your username, name, birth date, address, location, phone number, email, account activity, communications with others, and other personal data to our third party agents or official government bodies as we deem necessary in our sole discretion in connection with investigations of fraud, intellectual property infringement, unlawful activity, or other actions that may expose us to liability.

We may use your email address and phone number to send news, promotions, and other marketing offers. You can opt out of these communications by following the unsubscribe instructions in each one or emailing Support.

If you consent, we may share your contact information with third parties for them to send promotional offers. You can opt out by emailing "Remove" to Support, but will need to separately unsubscribe from any third parties who already obtained your data.

We will only use your personal information in publicity materials with your explicit written consent.

Your Data Access and Control Rights

You can contact us anytime to review, update, obtain, correct, or delete your personal data per your rights under the Act. We may require ID verification before fulfilling access requests. Email Support to make requests.

We may charge a small fee to cover administrative costs or address queries as stipulated under the Act. We aim to keep your data as accurate as possible.

You have additional rights regarding your personal data:

· Object to processing likely to damage or distress you

· Object to automated decision-making

· Rectify, block, erase, or destroy inaccurate data in certain cases

· Seek damages for breaches of data protection law

Use of Cookies

Cookies are text files downloaded to your computer or mobile device when visiting a website. They allow sites to remember your preferences and improve your experience.

We use cookies to:

· Track website referrals

· Remember your preferences

· Generate anonymous usage statistics to improve our sites

· Measure and optimize our advertising

· Limit ad repetitions

· Recognize return visits to our site

· Provide ads relevant to your interests

Cookies help us and other companies tailor relevant ads to your interests, based on non-identifiable data from your visits. Our Cookie Policy has more details on our specific cookie practices.